SimCity 5 (2013) is a great city-building and urban planning simulation computer game developed by Maxis. This game is considered to be a reboot of the SimCity series. Players can make a settlement that can evolve into a city by zoning land for residential, commercial, or industrial development, including building and maintaining public services, transport, and utilities. SimCity 5 (2013) applies a new engine called GlassBox, delivering for more detailed simulation than previous games.

Build your ideal city, the decision to build at all levels of the city, the life which Sims motivated. All decision, whether large or small, will have real consequences. Investment in big industry will make the economy soar, but it will make air pollution, which can affect the health of your Sims. Enforcement of green technology will increase the lives of your Sims, but there is the risk of high tax rates and high unemployment. Collaborate with your friends to solve the global crisis : the launch of the space shuttle, to minimize CO2 emissions, or the construction of a brilliant spectacle. Ranked in the global and regional championship contest, to become the richest, the worst, the happiest, or the most desirable tourist place!





SimCity 5 (2013) System Requirements

  • Operating Systems : Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Processor : 2 GHz or faster
  • Memory : 2 GB of RAM
  • Graphic Card : ATI Radeon HD 2x00, or nVidia 7800, or better
  • HDD : 12 GB of available hard disk space

For the previous game, SimCity 4: Deluxe Edition, please go to >> Download SimCity 4: Deluxe Edition Full Free.